Blogging Tips to Help You Get Started

The biggest challenge is to get your target audience to read your blog. That's why you need a “blog with a purpose.” You need a reason for your audience to visit your blog on a regular basis. What would make your blog special to your audience? Why would they want to bookmark your blog? Why would they want to link to it and tell others? That should be your ultimate goal.

Think about your own site, and let's start talking about “blogs with a purpose.”



How to write a catchy introduction to a blog post:


Video Tutorials on using Blogger:


  1. This video makes good points on how to build your blog. I like the little puzzles at the beginning of the video. One of the things the guy was explaining is that you should build your blog up (put lots of posts up) before you announce it to the world.

  2. I really like how your blog is organized , especially with the different tabs. Your introduction has opened up my mind to expanding on what I can write about. I didn’t think about the blog as having a purpose but now I want to be able to question readers so that they might become more interested or even give me more ideas with their comments.

  3. I think this is a very useful blog post because it gives good suggestions. As a new blogger I difinatly need help coming up with “blog with a purpose”. This video was helpful with its suggestions and visual layouts. This is a blog post I would come back to and read again, and also watch the video. These were helpful in getting me to think about where I could take my blog, different types of layouts and what not.
    -Amanda I totally agree with your last statement. I would love to have a full blog going before I announce my blog site as well as the etsy site I hope to make soon, which is what my blog is about!
    Felten, Leslie
