Monday, April 27, 2015

Example of Strong Content--Weak Design

The sample post below could be more appealing to an audience with relevant graphics to make reading online easier and more inviting. Also, the use of color and bullets should enhance the text rather than distract from it.

What Can/Should A Person Do?

I was standing in line at the grocery store yesterday and wondered what I could do right then to help.  I decided to chat with the next person in line. I simply tuned to the person and said, "Hi! Darn, I forgot my reuseable bags today. Did you know . . .

An estimated one million birds and 100,000 turtles and other sea animals die of starvation each year after ingesting discarded plastic bags which block their digestive tracks.

  • A person uses a plastic carrier bag on average for only 12 minutes; in contrast, a plastic bag can take between 500 to 1000 years to break down in the environment.

  • There is now six times more plastic debris in parts of the North Pacific Ocean
    than zooplankton.

    At least 267 different species are known to have suffered from entanglement
    or ingestion of plastic marine debris.

    Instead of using a bag I asked the checker to simply put everything back in the cart since I have bags in the car. Then, I bagged my own groceries when I got to the parking lot.

    My next few blog posts will focus on a series of suggestions, litlle changes that anyone can and should make in their dailiy lives that will have great impact in our community and in our world.

    Here's a list so far:
    1. Talk to people and convince at least one person to refuse a plastic and paper bag today.
    2. Convince that one person to convince at lieast one other person and pass it on . . 
    What simple things can you do?


    1. Things I do/others can do (to help the environment in general):

      take shorter showers! when I shower and I'm shampooing or conditioning my hair, I always turn off the water. It's unnecessary to keep the water running (and that way I have an excuse to 'deep-condition' my hair each time!)

    2. WOW! That is concerning! Every time i go to the grocery store i use recyclable bags because I too know what plastic bags do to our environment. I got one that will help the environment.. Don't spit your gum on the ground after you have chewed it! First of all spitting your gum on the ground is dangerous to animals. Little birds walking around looking for food pick it up and choke on it. Second of all no ones likes to see dark black spots all over the ground that basically never go away. Last but not least everyone hates stepping on gum.

    3. Awesome, a very entertaining and informative blog!

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